Good morning, this is a reminder that school will be dismissed at 12pm today
"Buenos días, este es un recordatorio de que la escuela terminará a las 12pm hoy."
6 months ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Good morning families, due to some issues with the bus, we are unable to transport the students until further notice. Please have your child walk to school safely. If your child needs transportation, please call 509-949-3722
Buenos días familias, debido a algunos problemas con el autobús, no podemos transportar a los estudiantes hasta nuevo aviso. Por favor, haga que su hijo camine a la escuela de manera segura. Si su hijo necesita transporte, llame al 509-949-3722
10 months ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Good afternoon Roosevelt Families, we are experiencing issues with the phone system so please call 509-949-3722 if you need to contact the school district. Buenas tardes familias de Roosevelt, estamos experimentando problemas con el sistema telefónico, así que llame al 509-949-3722 si necesita comunicarse con el distrito escolar.
10 months ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
We are so excited to see everybody for our First Day of School on August 16, 2023!
Our new schedule is as follows:
Monday - Thursday, 8 am - 3 pm.
Fridays, 8 am - 2 pm.
Every other Friday will be an Early Release day, 8 am - 12 pm.
Please check out our 2023-2024 School Calendar!
about 1 year ago, Roosevelt School District
Christmas program in one week!!!
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt School District
Annual Christmas event in 2 weeks!!
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt School District
Families don't forget that we are celebrating our spirit week!!! Tomorrow is Dress to Impress! Picture day will also be happening tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt School District
Parents: Don't forget our parent conferences tomorrow October 26, 2022! We will be having our family picture. Food and beverages will be provided.
Students: Early release tomorrow at noon!
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt School District
Don't forget, Thursday, October 20, is an Early Release Day. Students will be released from school at noon!
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt School District
Don't forget there will be no school on Friday, October 21st! Enjoy the day!
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt School District
Monday September 5th there is no school in honor of Labor Day. See you back in class Tuesday the 6th. ------- El lunes 5 de septiembre no hay clases en honor al Día del Trabajo. Nos vemos de nuevo en clase el martes 6.
about 2 years ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Hola Roosevelt Familes esto es solo un recordatorio amistoso de que la escuela comienza el jueves 18 de agosto. Los útiles escolares no son necesarios en este momento, solo una mochila y su almuerzo, hasta pronto. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame al 509-949-3722.
about 2 years ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Hello Roosevelt Familes this is just a friendly reminder that school starts Thursday August 18th. School Supplies are not needed at this time, just a backpack and their lunch, see you soon. If you have any questions please call 509-949-3722.
about 2 years ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Roosevelt Families for the remainder of the week 4/19-4/22 we will not be having our after school program. Also open gym will not take place tomorrow 4/20. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call.
over 2 years ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Roosevelt Families
There will be no after school program today 4/11/22
No habra programa despues de la escuela hoy.
over 2 years ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Roosevelt Families
Starting Monday March 14th, masks will be optional for students, staff and guests. We welcome this change and are currently preparing for the transition to masks being optional in our schools. If you have any questions please call 509-949-3722
Estimados padres,
A partir del lunes 14 de marzo, las máscaras serán opcionales para los estudiantes, el personal y los invitados. Damos la bienvenida a este cambio y actualmente nos estamos preparando para la transición a las máscaras que son opcionales en nuestras escuelas. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame al 509-949-3722
over 2 years ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Roosevelt parents-You may pick up your hotspot today until 5:00pm.
Puede recoger su punto de acceso hoy hasta las 5:00 p.m.
509-949-3722 with questions/preguntas
over 2 years ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Padres de Roosevelt nuestros puntos calientes han llegado. Por favor, venga a la escuela para obtener uno para su hogar. Tenemos uno para cada familia, así que por favor venga a recoger el suyo. Solo un padre/adulto del hogar puede venir y obtener el punto de acceso. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la escuela.
over 2 years ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Roosevelt Parents our hotspots have arrived. Please come to the school and check one out for your household. We have one for each family so please come and collect yours. Only a legal guardian from the household may come and get the hotspot. If you have any questions, please call the school.
over 2 years ago, Bulmaro Ruiz
Today we will be dismissing the students at 2pm
La salida hoy sera a las 2 de la tarde